This week we introduced 'Coming Up' which appeared midway through the bulletin. We used a bed throughout and a sting at the end. The aim was to refresh the audience, and to let them know that lighter news stories were coming up. This is bulletin places the heavier, political stories at the top to lead it. The 'coming up' injects a fresh bit of life, and shows that there's more to come.
After the sting, we lead into the News Belt. We'll be looking to sort out a bed for the news belt in the near future.
Individual Feedback
HPCC Debate In-Studio
I thought this was really well done. Lou, you were calm and clear about what the debate was all about. A good way to open the bulletin.
You did really well with this story, you told it well, got some good interviews, and when I said to you that it needed balance you were calm in tackling the problem. It's also a good running story that you have it, that you should track for the rest of the year for more developments.
US Storm
We did well to get some good shots of the storm through both fair dealing(being a current event that we were covering) and also images that George was able to get us. We also had an interview with a former student, who is from America, and it gave us the local angle that we needed, and made a really good OOV ACT to break up the bulletin, instead of 'package after package' like last week.
We also did well to use it as a chance to promote our election in a back-anno after the piece.
Car Park Boycott
It was a very dull story, as most car park stories are. But we needed it to bulk up the bulletin, and you delivered it, with balance, and shots of the actual empty car park. You tried to vary your shots and be creative, which is tough with this kind of story, but I think it was fine.
Coming Up
I felt that this worked well, it wakes up the audience, and shows them that theirs more 'interesting' stories to come. We need a new bed, and a good sting to end.
First we had the gold colour oov. This was originally a package, but it was very dull, and when it turned out that you can't see the gold with the human eye, it became even more dull.
The library oov was pretty dull too, but it is something that would interest some of our viewers that live in Winchester, it affects the local area, and is information that some people might find useful.
The Royal mail didn't have amazing pictures, but that doesn't always matter with oovs, aslong as we have something to show. The story will affect many people, and links to the Ford story we covered earlier in the bulletin, and makes it feel more like a connected show, instead of separate entities.
Halloween Safety
This was a news story that didn't give you much to go on. Posters were being made available to tell trick or treaters not to knock on doors if they had the poster on them.
I feel like you did well with this piece, particularly with your opening(including the PTC). You had natural sound, and made the opening couple of shots flow together. The vox pops were fine, and you could have gone down two different routes to try and improve it a bit more. Either by making it even more cheesy, or by going down a slightly more serious route and trying to speak to a police officer.
Pub Bus
A perfect story for an 'and finally...' You told the story ok, but could have used a bit more voiceover to tell the story better, instead of relying too much on the interview. The shots were good, and I liked the sign off at the end.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
WINOL 31/10/2012
This Week's WINOL News Bulletin
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